S3E + KKIO + WAPL Program
All times are in the Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2) timezone.
September 17 (Sunday), 15:00–16:30, room 103
Session Chair: Sylwia Kopczyńska (KKIO)
15:00–15:05 | KKIO Introductory words |
15:05–15:30 | Kamil Rybiński and Michał Śmiałek Multi-queue service for task scheduling based on data availability |
15:30–15:55 | Michał Wróbel, Dorota Przała and Paweł Weichbroth Exploring the Prevalence of Anti-patterns in the Application of Scrum in Software Development Organizations |
15:55–16:20 | Korneliusz Szymański and Mirosław Ochodek On the Applicability of the Pareto Principle to Source-Code Growth in Open Source Projects |
September 18 (Monday), 09:00–11:00, room 103
Session Chair: Michał Śmiałek (KKIO)
09:00–09:35 | Maciej Ziobrowski, Mirosław Ochodek, Jerzy Nawrocki, Bartosz Walter Towards reliable rule mining about code smells: The McPython approach (KKIO invited talk) |
09:35–10:00 | Marko Esche, Levin Ho, Martin Nischwitz and Reinhard Meyer Risk-Based Continuous Quality Control for Software in Legal Metrology |
10:00–10:25 | Bogumiła Hnatkowska and Piotr Zabawa A reusability-oriented use-case model specification language |
10:25–10:50 | Muhammad Ovais Ahmad Psychological Safety, Leadership and Non-Technical Debt in Large Scale Agile Software Development |
September 18 (Monday), 14:30–16:30, room 103
Session Chair: Michał Wróbel (KKIO) and Ivan Luković (S3E+WAPL)
14:30–14:50 | Anna Derezinska and Dawid Sygocki Review of Automated Code Refactoring of C# Programs |
14:50–15:10 | Fayona Cowperthwaite, Jennifer Horkoff and Sylwia Kopczyńska The Effects of Native Language on Requirements Quality |
15:10–15:30 | Anna Rosłan and Michał Śmiałek Comparative Analysis of Low-Code Computation Systems |
15:30–15:35 | KKIO closing words |
15:35–15:40 | S3E + WAPL introductory words |
15:40–16:05 | Łukasz Korzeniowski and Krzysztof Goczyła Discovering relationships between data in enterprise system using log analysis |
16:05–16:30 | Paulina Anioła, Sushant Kumar Pandey, Miroslaw Staron and Mirosław Ochodek Defect Backlog Size Prediction for Open-Source Projects with the Autoregressive Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing Models |
September 18 (Monday), 17:00–18:50, room 103
Session Chair: Ivan Luković (S3E+WAPL)
17:00–17:25 | Andrew Gozillon, Hossein Haeri, James Riordan and Paul Keir Compiler Support for Parallel Evaluation of C++ Constant Expressions |
17:25–17:45 | Petr Krajča and Radomír Škrabal Decoupling Types and Representations of Values for Runtime Optimizations |
17:45–18:05 | Adam Grabski and Ilona Bluemke Compilation through interpretation |
18:05–18:25 | Adam Bochenek Can ChatGPT Replace a Template-based Code Generator? |
18:25–18:45 | Nicholas Kniveton and Navid Shaghaghi Research Paper Blockchain (RPB) |
18:45–18:50 | S3E + WAPL closing words |
See the rest of the conference program.
Important dates
Track proposal submission: November 14, 2022Paper submission (no extensions): May 23, 2023Position paper submission: June 7, 2023Author notification: July 11, 2023Final paper submission, registration: July 31, 2023Discounted payment: August 18, 2023- Conference date: September 17–20, 2023
Under patronage of

Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba
Rector of Warsaw University of Technology